Can we know busy beaver value BB(15)? — new paper
We have a new paper on the hardness of knowing busy beaver values BB(15) and BB(5,4).
Busy beaver Turing machines
When thinking abstractly about algorithms, we can ask the following question: what is the maximum number of steps that an algorithm (taking no inputs) can perform before halting (given that it is halting) when we constrain its size (e.g. the number of bytes of the source code if we wrote the algorithm in C)? Although the question is theoretical, we can argue that it is in fact very relatable to programmers as they acquire, with their everyday practice, a certain virtuosity in the art of writing small programs that achieve a lot (this even gives rise to competitions).
In order to formally study this question, we cannot escape from having to fix the precise model of computation that we work with (which can be thought as fixing the programming language that we use) and our notion of program size. The historical model used to study the question are 1-tape (bi-infinite) 2-symbols deterministic Turing machines and program size is defined by the number of states times symbols.
In this context, Tibor Radó [1962] concretely instantiated the question by introducing the busy beaver value BB
With TM
To date, only four non-trivial busy beaver values are known:
One possible approach to study
The route we take to study
Knowability of busy beaver values
As it turns out, the busy beaver function
This fact is a first major obstacle in trying to acquire the knowledge of
However, this dim hope is even further reduced by making the following observation: it is not that hard to design machines that look for counterexamples of notoriously hard mathematical problems. For instance, take one of the oldest open problem in mathematics, Goldbach's conjecture: every even integer greater than 2 is the sum of two primes. It is conceptually completely feasible to design a program that halts if and only if the conjecture is false: iterate over all even integer greater than 2 and test the conjecture for each then halt if a counterexample is found.
This was done in practice and a 4,888-state Turing machine that halts if and only Goldbach's conjecture is false was constructed. (Since improved to 27-states, although, we believe, yet to be proven correct.) This construction gives an algorithm to solve Goldbach's conjecture! Run the 4,888-state machine for
Even worse, value
This all sounds like bad news for us to ever know even small values of
In this context, there is a legitimate question to ask: where is the frontier between knowable and unknowable values of
Our work gives, to date, the smallest value of BB that relates to a natural open problem in mathematics.
BB(15) and BB(5,4) are harder than Erdős' conjecture on powers of two

Figure 1. The first 75 powers of two assembled in base 3 by the size-6 Wang tile set introduced by Cook, Stérin and Woods [2021] (see blog post). Reading left-to-right, each column of glues (colours) corresponds to a power of two: beige glues represent ternary digit 0, green glues 1 and red glues 2. For instance, the rightmost column encodes (from top to bottom) 1102100210202020112020120000201120010210212220223 = 275. The complexity of the pattern illustrates the complexity of answering Erdős' conjecture which amounts to asking if each glue-column (except for the few first) has at least one red glue.
Erdős' conjecture on powers of two is: For all
In our paper we explicitly construct two machines, one with 15 states and 2 symbols and the other with 5 states and 4 symbols that halt if and only if they have found a counterexample to Erdős' conjecture on powers of two.

Figure 2. 5-state 4-symbol Turing machine M5,4 that halts if and only if Erdős’ conjecture on powers of 2 is false. The initial state of the machine is mul2_G, denoted ‘(init)’. The blank symbol is #.
Proving correctness of our busy beaver candidates
It can be a challenge to prove correctness for programs that exploit clever and nasty code re-use tricks to be as short as we can make them. But, without a proof there is no result! Here's how we approached that problem.
We first found the 5-state 4-symbol machine,
After constructing
together with Theorem 2, implies that
Given the conceptual simplicity of the conjecture, it is perhaps not surprising that we managed to find these small counterexample-hunting machines. In turn, this means that knowing busy beaver values as small as
Our result leaves open the question of where exactly is situated the frontier between knowable and unknowable busy beaver values. However, it suggests that this frontier might even be below
We made an online simulator that can be used to run the machines of the paper and verify the constructions, it is available at this address: You can also use it to simulate your own machines, code and documentation are available here.