I’m Tristan Stérin, I did my PhD (2018-2022) in the TAPDANCE team at the Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University (Ireland), under the supervision of Prof. Damien Woods.

My current research lies at the intersection of DNA Computing and the study of Models of Computation. This research is best embodied by the following question: « How to use the interaction between DNA strands in order to implement some models of computation ? ».

In the past, my research has focused on Machine Learning, in particular the fields of Computer Vision, Music Generation and Finance.

Tristan Stérin



On the hardness of knowing busy beaver values BB(15) and BB(5,4)

T. Stérin and D. Woods
Preprint. Submitted.

Small tile sets that compute while solving mazes

M. Cook, T. Stérin and D. Woods
DNA 27: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming. LIPIcs, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. 205:8:1--8:20, 2021.

The Collatz process embeds a base conversion algorithm

T. Stérin and D. Woods
RP 2020: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Reachability Problems, (Paris, France, October 19–21, 2020), pp 131-147.

Binary expression of ancestors in the Collatz graph

T. Stérin
RP 2020: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Reachability Problems, (Paris, France, October 19–21, 2020), pp 115-130.

: A browser-based, easily scriptable tool for designing DNA nanostructures

D. Doty, B. Lee and T. Stérin
DNA 26: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming.

Limitations on counting in Boolean circuits and self-assembly

T. Stérin and D. Woods

On the computational power of 6-bit iterated Boolean gate arrays

T. Stérin and D. Woods
DNA 23, Austin TX, U.S.A, September 24-28, 2017. Best Poster Award

RNNs: An Intrinsic Difference Between Vanilla And GRU Models

T. Stérin, N. Farrugia and V. Gripon
COGNITIVE@IARIA, Athens, Greece, February 19-23, 2017.



Waiting for Gödel

T. Stérin
Hamilton Student Seminar Series, March 2, 2021.
Illustration by Marco Trevisan.

The Multiple Faces of Entropy

T. Stérin
Hamilton Postgrad Seminar, November 12, 2019.

About Thermodynamics

T. Stérin
Group meeting, August 26, 2019.